Among other things , I’ve been itching to master some D3.js tricks, mainly because the plugin lets you do some pretty gorgeous stuff, and there’s a wide variety of visualizations which are highly customizable. Recently, I finally had a few minutes to try something out. Since my work entails working with Statistics Canada data, or anything to do with start ups in Ontario I figured I would go for something that has nothing to do directly with that world. This led me to tracking down some elections donation data from…
3Doodler Troubleshooting
I had the pleasure of backing a project on kickstarter called ‘3Doodler‘ by Wobbleworks. The 3Doodler allows you to ‘print’ in the air by extruding 3mm plastic (ABS or plastic) through the pen-like nozzle of the 3Doodler. So it is a great tool if you are creative and looking to bust out of the two-dimensional world of drawing. Also, it could be handy for certain kinds of repairs, or quick prototyping or 3D sketching of designs. If you search on the web for images of 3Doodler you’ll see lots of…
Maker Sale
Besides being a very busy graphic designer and mother of two, my wife still manages to find time for a number of creative outlets: She crochets excellent hats, makes art prints and also accessories for your purse or bag (the first two are featured on her Etsy store). Unfortunately, she found there is a lot of ‘liking’ on Etsy of her store, but it is not translating into sales. She decided to take the bull by the horns and have some fun in the process by hosting an event at…
Metallic c-print photography
In anticipation of the Maker Sale held at my house, I unearthed some metallic c-print photographs I had taken a few years ago before a family and ‘real’ life came along. The photographs are from interesting locations in and around Toronto, including the Distillery District (I had actually won an award at Pikto for ‘The Conversation’ at that time), the Don Valley Parkway trails, the Brickworks and finally my cottage (not in Toronto this time, but Six Mile Lake). Metallic c-print photography is a kind of printing on hyper-glossy photosensitive…
Rethinking 300
In anticipation of the movie “300 – Rise of an Empire” I recently revisited the original 300 movie. There is little argument that it is one of the most artistic and gory takes of ancient Sparta ever made. It is an underdog story where the Spartans, led by King Leonidas (Gerard Butler) fight against impossible odds against the invading Persians, with only their ability as warriors and (spoiler alert) local geography to help them. The first time I saw this film, like most of the audience in the theatre I…
2013 Maker Faire in Toronto
Last week I had the pleasure of visiting the 2013 Toronto Mini Maker Faire at Wynchwood Barns. This was a treat for me for a few different reasons, not least of which is this was my first visit to Wynchwood, after following its evolution over the years in the popular press. Of course there was the sheer DIY explosion of creativity at the Faire which I think is the main attraction for nearly everyone who attends. My eldest daughter immediately made a beeline for the 3-D printers and my youngest…